Here, there are two things to think about.
When viewing movies, we often strive to find a comfortable spot to sit in. However, if we leave our laptops on our beds for extended periods of time, they obstruct the exhaust and raise the temperature, which can lead to The Hang VLC media player can increase speaker volume to 200%, which degrades clarity and affects most DOLBY features.
Therefore, it's best to wear headphones and to set our beloved laptop on a well-ventilated surface that stays cool.For example, a wooden table.
When viewing movies, we often strive to find a comfortable spot to sit in. However, if we leave our laptops on our beds for extended periods of time, they obstruct the exhaust and raise the temperature, which can lead to The Hang VLC media player can increase speaker volume to 200%, which degrades clarity and affects most DOLBY features.
Therefore, it's best to wear headphones and to set our beloved laptop on a well-ventilated surface that stays cool.For example, a wooden table.