jesus christ

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  1. F

    Church Righteousness and holiness cannot be separated from Christ - Ephesians 4:24

    Topic: THE TAPESTRY OF JESUS' NAME Focus Text: Ephesians 4:24(KJV) 24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Righteousness and holiness cannot be separated from Christ. They are essential constituents of His very nature, as God Almighty...
  2. F

    Kids and Teen Ways to train a child - Proverbs 22:6

    How to train children - Catch them young. (Part 1) Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Dear Parents you have responsibility from the Lord, to train up your little children in the way of the LORD. The foundation of your...
  3. E

    Bible Study Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6 This is the quotation that solves all your questions. Jesus Christ is the way to all progress and human expected destination. He is the way to proper success, to peace, to joy, to long life, to ETERNAL LIFE He is the way to...
  4. AdServersite

    ?Ask How to hear from God

    Have you ever thought, "I wish God had communicated with us like He did with His people in the Old Testament"? Scripture frequently tells of God communicating with His people via voice, angel, or dream. In one tale, he even writes on a wall (Daniel 5). Therefore, it makes sense that you would...
  5. Stalwart23

    Prayer How Satan stops prayer warriors - God's generals

    HOW SATAN STOPS OUR PRAYER WARFARE (COMBAT) IN THE HEAVENLY REALM I want to share with you from a testimony of someone who was saved, someone who had been serving the Satan And when that man gave his testimony, it so challenged me, I did not want to believe it. I had to go ten days before...
  6. admin

    Spirituality How to obtain true forgiveness of sin Romans 5:14

    Praise the Lord “FORGIVENESS OF SINS” Glory to the great and holy name of the Lord! Dear Beloved, I am very happy to meet you on this wonderful occasion. Today, the word that our Lord God wishes to speak to us is "Forgiveness of Sins" Every person in this world is a sinner. This is...
  7. Stalwart23

    Church Is The trinity of Catholic church teachings against 1 John 5: 7 ?

    1 John 5: 7 7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. We have One God the father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The three are not part of the trinity. The trinity of Catholic church teaches that 1. The...
  8. E

    Rapture What Will Happen When Christ Jesus Will descend from heaven ? 1 Thessalonians 4:16

    A Brand-New Body at the Blast of a Trumpet! For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 All over the world, Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New...
  9. Stalwart23

    Spirituality Ways To Lead An Upright Life - Psalm 84:11

    Leading An Upright Life “No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly.” - Psalm 84:11 Each one of us has a desire to “be filled with goodness in our lives.” No one likes evil things. Only our Lord God can give us the good things that we desire for in our lives. But to whom will...
  10. Stalwart23

    Moral Lessons The old man was embarrassed

    So sad as an old man was inside a train, he stood up and said to the passengers, “JESUS IS COMING SOON!” A woman then shouted, “Shut up, you don't know anything, and your Jesus doesn't even exist.” The old man was embarrassed and sat down. But God kept putting on his heart to rise again and...
  11. E

    Church Let those who are faithfully serving the Lord stay strong

    What is about to affect the globe is heavy to explain both negative and positive... Jesus Christ is cometh. In no distant time, in the history of the world, the world will become darker, and there will be a famine of truth, especially the true gospel. I saw a dying, hopeless, and helpless...
  12. admin

    Church Spirit of God had set me up

    MY LEAVES ARE EVER FRESH I affirm that the Spirit of God had set me up on high, to walk in superabundance. I’m blessed and highly favoured, enriched with all I require for life and godliness. The truth of God is unveiled to my spirit. I have wisdom for ministry, for my job, my business, my...
  13. admin

    Church And it came to pass - Exodus 34:29-30

    STARTING YOUR DAY WITH GOD "And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him.And when Aaron and all the children of Israel...
  14. admin

    Spirituality How To Be Made Well ? John 5:6

    How Will I Be Made Well ? Let us think for a moment first. If we were to pursue some human happiness, does everything come about according one’s efforts? Does everyone become rich by living diligently? From where does our blessing come? Whose power does a person’s blessing depend...
  15. admin

    Prayer Let's pray - May we possess loyalty that remains steadfast

    ️️ Let's pray️️ May we possess loyalty that remains steadfast no matter the situation Romans 8:35 ³⁵Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? ³⁸For I am convinced that neither death nor...
  16. admin

    Bible Study The Hope of Eternity is in Christ - Mark 13:1-2

    Free Gift From God The Hope of Eternity is in Christ (Mark 13:1-2) There is nothing in this world that will last forever. This world has been doomed to decay and will pass away. Jesus showed in this scripture that even those bricks and mortar structures that seem so permanent will not last...
  17. Stalwart23

    Spirituality Image of God - Genesis 1:26, 27

    Praise the Lord “IMAGE OF GOD” Glory be to God's most holy name! Beloved ones! I am very glad to meet you at this auspicious time. The word our Lord God wants to speak to us on this day is "Image of God". When God created man in the beginning, we see that our God created mankind...
  18. admin

    Bible Study Jesus Is Greater - 1 John 4:4

    Jesus Is Greater He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4 Beloved, there may be a devil out there who tries to drag you down in defeat, but the Bible tells us clearly that we have One inside us greater than he outside of us. It is important that you be established...
  19. E

    Bible Study Jesus Christ is Center of our Believe to help us enjoy God's blessings

    Jesus Christ is our Center of our Believe to help us enjoy God's; 1. Divine health n healing ( Mt 8:13 2. Heavenly Miracles ( Mt 9:28-29) 3 .Make all things possible Mk 9:23 4 . To give us life in live ( Jh 4:53 ) 5 . Fulling God's Will ( John 6:29 ) JOHN 12:44 Jesus...
  20. BSF

    Spirituality How do I overcome physical battles spiritually?

    When the battle comes physically, go spiritually and fight the fight of faith. For no matter the height of battle that may come our way as children of God, The victory has already been established for everyone that believes in Christ Jesus. We don't fight for victory but we fight from victory...