jesus christ

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  1. BSF

    Stand again - you can make it through Christ Jesus

    It’s tempting to stay down, live bitter, give up on your dreams. After all, you have a good excuse. You may have a reason, but you don’t have a right. God still has a great purpose in front of you. He saw what happened. He saw what they did, who left you out, what you lost. He said, “He would...
  2. Stalwart23

    Church By the mercy of God

    By the mercy of God, he shall be well with you and your siblings in Jesus name You will reach your goal, in Jesus name You will fulfill your destiny, in Jesus name Whatever you lay your hands upon shall prosper, in Jesus name God will give you a Christmas gift in advance, in Jesus name God...
  3. E

    Church 1 Kings 1:29‭-‬30 When David spoke to Bathsheba the second time

    When David spoke to Bathsheba the second time in the name of the Lord before prophet Nathan that Solomon was destined to be king after him, that day he reopened the closed destiny book of Solomon which was closed. The closed book made him sit inactive and Adonijah took his place. Likewise the...
  4. BSF

    You shall fulfil your purpose in life

    God's purpose for your life cannot be frustrated, in Jesus name The devil cannot frustrate God's plan for your life. Whatever the plans of the enemy, God's purpose for your life will come to pass, in Jesus name You're blessed and be happy always beloved. Always pray and make a lot of people...