Programming How can I improve my coding skills?

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for Programming related post


BSF Senior Staff
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Premium User
Aug 19, 2023
Abuja Nigeria
The best way to improve anyone's coding skills is to practice problem solving, which can be accomplished through DSA and System Design.

First Month- Make a plan. As I always say, the best resource for mankind is already available and free to use - YouTube. Begin following some DSA channels. Connect with some industry engineers and examine their strategies [don't copy blindly, create your own version]. Examine as many approaches to a single problem as you can.

Second Month - Solve problems and stick to a routine 5-3-2, with 5 easy questions, 3 medium questions, and 2 difficult questions. Do not rush into answering difficult questions. Coding, like everything else, takes time:). Once you're comfortable with medium and difficult problems, try other patterns.

Third Month - Take part in contests and coding challenges. Every day, set your stopwatch to solve a random problem. Participate in mock interviews.

Some general recommendations include limiting your screen time, going on outings, and not broadcasting your strategy to a large audience.

Please let me know if you require any additional assistance or information. I'm delighted to assist.

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