The best way to improve anyone's coding skills is to practice problem solving, which can be accomplished through DSA and System Design.
First Month- Make a plan. As I always say, the best resource for mankind is already available and free to use - YouTube. Begin following some DSA channels. Connect with some industry engineers and examine their strategies [don't copy blindly, create your own version]. Examine as many approaches to a single problem as you can.
Second Month - Solve problems and stick to a routine 5-3-2, with 5 easy questions, 3 medium questions, and 2 difficult questions. Do not rush into answering difficult questions. Coding, like everything else, takes time
. Once you're comfortable with medium and difficult problems, try other patterns.
Third Month - Take part in contests and coding challenges. Every day, set your stopwatch to solve a random problem. Participate in mock interviews.
Some general recommendations include limiting your screen time, going on outings, and not broadcasting your strategy to a large audience.
Please let me know if you require any additional assistance or information. I'm delighted to assist.
First Month- Make a plan. As I always say, the best resource for mankind is already available and free to use - YouTube. Begin following some DSA channels. Connect with some industry engineers and examine their strategies [don't copy blindly, create your own version]. Examine as many approaches to a single problem as you can.
Second Month - Solve problems and stick to a routine 5-3-2, with 5 easy questions, 3 medium questions, and 2 difficult questions. Do not rush into answering difficult questions. Coding, like everything else, takes time
Third Month - Take part in contests and coding challenges. Every day, set your stopwatch to solve a random problem. Participate in mock interviews.
Some general recommendations include limiting your screen time, going on outings, and not broadcasting your strategy to a large audience.
Please let me know if you require any additional assistance or information. I'm delighted to assist.